Wystan Simmons

Bryn Athyn, PA

It seems too much to talk about the 40 years since we dressed in white gowns and suits, and sang a tribute to The Brady Bunch on our way to graduation. The past decade is enough. Probably been the most important one of my life anyway.

I am still married to Edward Simons, we celebrated our 30th last year. We have had a good ride, although the past couple of years have tested us like none of the prior 25. The isolation, sadness, and just sheer physical labor involved in the care of a young adult with autistim - our 29 year old son Owen - can consume you if you aren’t lucky/careful/moneyed enough to keep your nose above the tidal wave.  

We still love to garden, to cook together, and entertain and to travel together when we can. We love to problem solve, dream and create — most recently the home we now live in in Bryn Athyn, which we renovated over a 14month, CoVid- complicated, mold-complicated period. Moving from a house where you have lived for 30 years is hell. Add mold concerns, and a CoVid shut down world...yuck.

I’m pretty excited about the organization we have started, "RealVoices of Philadelphia" to support a meaningful life for Owen and other young adults in our area, who type and spell to communicate. We offer classes and social connection to about six individuals now. In this decade our family has proudly celebrated lots of graduations, speeches, and projects by our six kids (whose skills include CEO/lead guitar, salesman/woodworker, sculptor, poet/painter, singer/songwriter and metalsmith/stoneworker) and joyfully celebrated four weddings. I am “Yaya”  to four grandkids now, plus two grand-kittens. My younger kids are now coming back to tell me everything I did wrong, I guess that's a milestone.

My greatest achievement in the past decade is that I finally figured out what I want to be when/if I grow up. I have been learning to write for screen and stage. I'm not good at it yet, but I love it. Edward tells me the 10 hours/week X 19 years equals "10,000 hours," so I might be halfway there. 

- Wystan



