Kirsti Bronwyn Gholson

Woodstock, NY

May all beings everywhere be happy and free

Where I like to spend most of my time these days?
With Chris and our cats at home among the trees - or anywhere in Nature. After traveling extensively for business and for fun, our favorite place on earth is our “wildlife refuge” home with the deer, turkeys, bears, foxes, owls, raccoons, squirrels, chipmunks, birds...We try to keep them safe and protected.

My favorite pastime
Singing. Walking in nature.

My top memory from high school
Graduating? ;) Don’t have ONE and not all top memories are for public viewing, so I choose rehearsing for “The Music Man”. My sister, Freya, was the choreographer and Gregory was my “specialty dance” partner. There was a lot of laughter and lightness, singing and dancing.

A cherished moment since
Chris and I had the great fortune to spend five weeks living/working in Paris in 2018. But for missing our fur kids, it was wonderful to be in another country. Picnics and daily walks on the Seine, people “present” (pretty much only tourists with their faces buried in their phones), language immersion, spontaneous adventures…Plus great vegan food everywhere, including the most important part of any diet: croissants!




Craig B.